Ice Power Cold Gel
Ice Power Cold Gel is drug substance free relief for pain sensation in muscles. It relieves quickly and effectively pain sensation, inflammation, swelling and excessive muscle tension. Cooling effect is based on optimal combination of menthol and ethanol. It is suitable to use for the whole family (from two years of age) and doesn’t have any reported counterreactions with medicines. The effect of Ice Power Cold Gel is clinically proven*. CE-marked medical device.
Ice Power Cold Gels are suitable for:
- Neck and shoulder pains
- Muscle tension headache
- Muscle related back pains
- Children’s growing pains (from two years of age)
- Recovery after physical exercise
- Before sports to improve performance
The 3C effect of Ice Power Cold Gel and Creme on muscle pain
* Efficacy of Cold Gel for Soft Tissue Injuries; A Prospective Randomized Double-Blinded Trial. Airaksinen et al. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 31, No. 5, 2003
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Ice Power Cold Gels and -creme for sports
There is a difference between cold and cool!
Ice Power – Scientifically proven efficacy in treating soft-tissue injuries